team building activities

Original ideas for team building activities

In a world that is constantly evolving, team cohesion, especially through team building activities, is more crucial than ever. Tunisia, with its warm climate and diverse landscapes, offers an ideal backdrop for such activities. From innovative sports activities to stimulating creative workshops and enriching intellectual challenges, everything is designed to forge strong bonds among colleagues.

Team Building in Tunisia

Have you ever considered Tunisia for team building? This exotic country, rich in tradition, provides an ideal space to strengthen teams.

Imagine a camel race in the Tunisian desert, pushing limits and encouraging competitive spirit while admiring stunning landscapes. A culinary workshop centered around Mediterranean flavors could also stimulate not only the senses but also foster creativity and collaboration.

A guided tour through the historic alleys of the medina presents another exciting possibility. This authentic journey through time can strengthen the sense of belonging through cultural sharing.

Water activities on its paradisiacal coasts—windsurfing, kayaking, or scuba diving—are also conceivable to enhance communication and mutual support among colleagues.

Tunisia is much more than a simple change of scenery; it’s a rich environment that transforms each collective experience into an unforgettable memory.

Innovative Sports Activities for Team Building in Tunisia

Venturing into the world of innovative sports offers a stimulating environment for team building activities.

Consider indoor climbing, where artificial walls with multiple climbing routes become an effective tool to build personal confidence and team collaboration. Learning to support one another while pushing personal limits is key.

Think about Bubble Football, where each player is encased in a transparent inflatable bubble. This injury-free game encourages fun and strengthens team spirit among colleagues.

For a touch of water-based excitement, giant paddle boarding promises thrills and group cohesion as it requires synchronized effort from the entire team to move forward together.

These innovative sports are perfect opportunities to create or tighten professional bonds outside the usual framework while invigorating body and mind.

Creative Workshops to Unite Teams

The magic of artistic workshops

A breath of creativity can transform a team. Art sessions provide a space for expression and exploration, where each individual reveals hidden talents while fostering team spirit. Whether it’s painting, sculpture, or even theater, these practices encourage non-verbal communication and boost collaborative work in a relaxed atmosphere.

Mobilizing the team around charitable events

Organizing philanthropic events offers a unique chance to strengthen relationships within the group while contributing to an altruistic goal. Be it solidarity challenges or food drives, these initiatives involve each participant toward a common goal that transcends usual professional boundaries.

In this context, true unity takes shape—when we understand that collaborating together has a meaning far beyond office walls.

Stimulating Team Building Activities and Intellectual Challenges

Tracing the past

Nothing stimulates team cohesion and competitive spirit like a scavenger hunt in a city rich in history. This adventure is simultaneously cultural, intellectual, and physical. Participants explore sites filled with past stories while solving complex puzzles that require reflection and critical thinking. Each clue found reinforces the shared feeling of a common achievement.

The call of Djebel Zaghouan

Climbing Djebel Zaghouan represents an unparalleled intellectual challenge, combining mental strength with physical effort. This activity demands not only excellent physical condition but also strategic acumen: selecting the optimal route, ensuring one’s own safety while watching out for others are crucial imperatives each member must face during this vertical ascent. It’s not just climbing; it’s a truly enriching expedition where each person learns about themselves and their partners.

Tunisian Collective Cooking: A Gastronomic Journey Together

Traditional Tunisian cuisine, known for its warmth, is ideal for team building! Organized in groups, the various tasks needed for communal preparation allow employees or team members to discover hidden talents outside the usual work context. Some will excel in orchestrating the overall preparation, while others will demonstrate inventive chef skills. It’s an opportunity for all participants to collaborate in a relaxed environment while immersing themselves deeply in Tunisia’s rich cultural heritage.

Expert Interventions

Incorporating experts into team building activities offers a new and exciting dimension. Their expertise, unique skills, and different perspectives stimulate collective learning.

Known for their interactive workshops, these professionals cover various areas including wellness, personal development, or solving complex problems. For example, a nutrition expert could teach your team to prepare healthy meals together while sharing the health benefits of the foods consumed.

These interventions allow participants not only to acquire new skills but also to strengthen their professional relationships through this unique shared experience. Engaging these specialists is an original idea for your next team building sessions!

team building in Tunisia

Current Trends in Team Building in Tunisia

In a constantly evolving world, Tunisia is not immune to the rise of new team building practices. This present and future trend, merging innovation and team cohesion, is shaping the professional landscape with unparalleled passion and inspiration.

The Concept of Team Building

The Essence of Team Building

In the contemporary Tunisian professional landscape, team building is gaining importance. More than just a trendy term, this tool proves crucial in strengthening teamwork spirit and enhancing individual and collective performance. It goes well beyond off-site recreational activities; it embodies an integrated philosophy aimed at fostering genuine relationships among colleagues.

Positive Impacts on the Team

This approach offers numerous appreciable benefits. Firstly, it stimulates the development of interpersonal skills such as effective communication or participative leadership. Secondly, it creates an environment where each member is valued for their distinct contributions while collaborating towards a common goal, thus boosting their motivation and commitment towards their responsibilities and the company as a whole.

With its ability to blend intense work with fun within dynamic Tunisian teams, team building is more than just a trend: it symbolizes a true managerial transformation!

New Trends in Team Building

In Tunisia, the team building landscape is constantly reinventing itself to offer enriching experiences. Emphasis is placed on integrating new technologies and creating immersive environments that promote full participant engagement.

Digital escape games are among these innovations. They place teams in various stimulating scenarios where collaboration, creativity, and strategic thinking are essential for success.

Moreover, artistic workshops are becoming popular. Whether it’s an introduction to improvisational theater or a collective painting class; they strengthen bonds while stimulating personal expression and valuing each group member.

Every organization can choose from different innovative approaches to create a memorable experience while cultivating team spirit and internal cohesion with passion.

Fostering Team Cohesion

Strengthening Bonds through Innovative Activities

Fascinating Tunisia, with its myriad landscapes, offers plenty of opportunities to consolidate team cohesion. Local companies have recognized the unifying potential of certain group activities. For example, culinary workshops have seen significant growth, where each participant is involved in preparing a delicious Tunisian dish. Sports are also highly appreciated, with beach volleyball or tree climbing contributing not only to physical well-being but also to team spirit.

Setting Common Goals Together

Beyond the fun and excitement offered by these collective outings, a crucial aspect is revealed: that of defining clear objectives during collaborative sessions. These privileged moments are as much opportunities to reflect on personal ambitions as they are shared with colleagues in the work routine; they give meaning to individual and collective efforts in service of the final outcome delivered by the company.

This approach stimulates everyone towards more responsibility while increasing their sense of belonging to the overall project undertaken.

Hence, it is crucial today that all employers/employees work together towards a common professional future.

Future Trends and Perspectives

The future of team building in Tunisia is being boldly and innovatively shaped. Innovative trends are emerging, driven by technological progress and the evolving demands of Tunisian organizations.

Digitization now supersedes old team-building models. Virtual workshops and digital simulations offer an alternative to strengthen collective spirit despite geographical distances between colleagues.

There is also a recurrence of sustainability-related concepts in these collaborative activities. Environmental respect becomes a determining factor when selecting activities for employees.

It is undeniable that well-being at work will continue to exert a strong influence on this sector – companies will strive to establish a conducive climate for personal development as well as group development.

This innovative future clearly indicates a direction towards more social inclusivity and a pronounced sustainable commitment among our North African neighbors.


Comprehensive Guide for a Successful Inauguration in Tunisia

The launch of a new project or business in Tunisia is a crucial event that requires careful planning to ensure its success. In this article, we will explore the key steps and essential tips for organizing a memorable inauguration in Tunisia.

Why is Inauguration Important?

The inauguration of a business or project in Tunisia is more than just a ceremony. It’s an opportunity to mark the beginning of a new venture, to present your vision and values to potential partners, clients, and collaborators, while strengthening your presence in the Tunisian market.

Key Steps for a Successful Inauguration in Tunisia

Step 1: Define the Objective and Theme

Before starting any planning, clearly define the objective of your inauguration. Choose a theme that reflects your identity and message. For example, a traditional Tunisian theme can be an excellent choice to emphasize your local roots.

Step 2: Choose the Venue and Date

Select a venue suitable for the size of your event and your theme. Ensure that the chosen date does not coincide with other major events and that it suits your guests and partners.

Step 3: Invite Key Participants

Create a guest list that includes important personalities from the industry, strategic partners, local media, and government representatives. Send formal invitations with sufficient notice.

Step 4: Plan the Logistics

Hire an experienced event agency in Tunisia to handle the logistics of the inauguration, including decoration, sound system, lighting, catering, etc. Ensure that everything is ready before the arrival of guests.

Step 5: Create an Engaging Program

Develop a captivating inauguration program including inspiring speeches, product/service demonstrations, interactive activities, award presentations, and Tunisian cultural entertainment.

Step 6: Promote the Event

Use appropriate communication channels to promote your inauguration in Tunisia, including social media, local media, company blogs, etc. Create a customized hashtag to encourage sharing and online engagement.

Tips for a Successful Inauguration

  • Actively engage with your guests and be prepared to answer their questions.
  • Provide gifts or souvenirs to mark the occasion.
  • Ensure that all staff are trained to provide impeccable customer service.
  • Evaluate the impact of the inauguration and thank all participants for their support.

By following these key steps and applying these tips, you are well on your way to organizing a memorable inauguration in Tunisia. Remember that every detail counts in creating a positive and lasting experience for your guests and your business.

event agency

How to choose the best event agency in Tunisia for your event

Organizing a successful event in Tunisia can be a complex task, requiring expertise and meticulous planning. This is where a professional event agency comes in, specialized in creating unique and memorable experiences. In this article, we will explore the key elements to consider when choosing the best event agency in Tunisia for your next event.

The Role of an Event Agency in Tunisia

An event agency in Tunisia plays a crucial role in planning and managing various events, ensuring their success and smooth execution.

Event Planning and Management

Specializing in events of various scales and types, event agencies in Tunisia excel in meticulous event planning and efficient management. From conceptualization to implementation, they oversee every aspect, including venue selection, catering, entertainment, logistics, and more.

Local Expertise

Tunisia’s cultural richness and modern amenities make it an ideal destination for diverse events. Event agencies in Tunisia leverage their local knowledge to navigate this landscape effectively. They are well-versed in identifying optimal venues, reliable vendors, and adhering to local regulations and customs.

Benefits of Hiring an Event Agency in Tunisia

Hiring an event agency in Tunisia offers numerous advantages that can transform your event into an unforgettable experience.

Expertise and Experience

An event agency brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. They have a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t, ensuring that your event is a success. Their experience allows them to foresee potential issues and address them proactively, saving you time and stress.

Cost-Effective Solutions

While it might seem counterintuitive, hiring an event agency in Tunisia can actually save you money. Agencies have established relationships with vendors and can negotiate better rates for services such as catering, decorations, and entertainment. Additionally, their expertise helps in allocating your budget more efficiently, ensuring you get the most value for your money.

Creative Ideas and Customization

One of the standout benefits of an event agency is their ability to offer creative solutions tailored to your needs. They bring fresh ideas to the table and can customize the event to reflect your vision and objectives. Whether you’re looking for a traditional Tunisian theme or a modern, high-tech setup, an event agency can make it happen.

Stress-Free Planning

Planning an event involves juggling multiple tasks and details, which can be incredibly stressful. By hiring an event agency, you can delegate these tasks to professionals who will manage everything on your behalf. This allows you to focus on your guests and enjoy the event without worrying about the logistics.

Key Services Offered

Event agencies in Tunisia offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your event needs.

Venue Selection and Management

Choosing the right venue is crucial for the success of your event. An event agency in Tunisia can help you find the perfect location that suits your needs and budget. They also handle all the logistics associated with the venue, including setup, decorations, and technical requirements.

Catering and Menu Planning

Food and beverages are a significant part of any event. Event agencies have connections with top catering services and can help you plan a menu that caters to all dietary preferences and requirements. They ensure that the food is not only delicious but also aligns with the theme and style of your event.

Entertainment and Activities

Whether you need a live band, DJ, or cultural performances, an event agency can arrange top-notch entertainment for your event. They can also organize activities and interactive sessions that engage your guests and make the event more enjoyable.

Logistics and Coordination

From transportation to on-site coordination, an event agency manages all logistical aspects of your event. They ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to plan, allowing you to focus on interacting with your guests.

How to Choose the Right Event Agency in Tunisia

Choosing the right event agency is essential to ensuring the success of your event.

Research and Recommendations

Start by researching event agencies in Tunisia and reading reviews from their previous clients. Recommendations from friends, family, or business associates can also be valuable in finding a reliable agency.

Portfolio and Experience

Look at the agency’s portfolio to see the types of events they have handled in the past. Experience in organizing events similar to yours is a good indicator that they can meet your expectations.

Communication and Rapport

Effective communication is key to a successful event. Choose an agency that listens to your needs, communicates clearly, and makes you feel comfortable throughout the planning process.



TRAVEL – Want to stay in dream homes combined with luxury service? Here are 6 sumptuous hotels that offer spacious villas to share with family or friends. So who are you going with?

Banyan Tree, Tamouda Bay, Fnideq

The Asian brand’s first hotel on the African continent and on the Mediterranean coast, the Banyan Tree Tamouda Bay offers the unique concept in Morocco of “all-pool villas”. With an architectural style with both Arab-Andalusian and contemporary influences, this incredible resort with 92 villas offers a favorite vacation spot for travelers looking for privacy and tranquility. Able to accommodate 2 to 5 people, these spacious accommodations equipped with swimming pools, kitchenettes and sometimes even outdoor hot tubs, offer all the comfort of a luxury hotel and adapt to the wildest desires. Visitors will also be able to enjoy the white sand beach with Spain as a backdrop.

Fairmont Royal Palm, Marrakech

Nestled in the heart of a century-old olive grove, 20 minutes from the ocher city, the Royal Palm Marrakech offers, in addition to its 20 rooms and 104 suites, 10 villas that can accommodate up to 4 adults (or 2 adults with 3 children). With swimming pools, gardens and private terraces, these sumptuous villas have been imagined as real cocoons where every detail is important. Marble, zellige, mousharabieh… From the entrance to the bedrooms with private bathrooms, including the heated swimming pool or the private hammam, each room is an invitation to well-being. Appropriately named “Villas des Princes”, these main residences with a surface area of ​​741 m² offer personalized butler service.

Le Royal Mansour, Marrakech,

A must-see in the ocher city, the Royal Mansour has 53 riads, ranging from one to four rooms. Silks and original and contemporary works of art rub shoulders with Moroccan artisan furniture in a fascinating fusion between tradition and modernity. These exceptional private residences immerse us in a timeless universe, between palm trees, alleys and green gardens reminiscent of those of the famous Alhambra in Granada. Architecturally, these residences are built in the style of the largest traditional riads. On the ground floor, a lounge and a bar sit not far from the dining room which opens onto a patio. The first floor is reserved for bedrooms and bathrooms (the larger riads also have a hammam). But it is on the roof that the magic of the Royal Mansour operates: guests will be able to enjoy a breathtaking view of the ocher city in a magnificent terrace with a private swimming pool, while drinking tea in the tent lounge equipped with a fireplace. . The dream!

Es Saadi Palace, Marrakech

Located in the most intimate part of the resort, the villa area of ​​the Es Saadi Palace offers a moment of serenity where time is suspended. With 10 private villas built out of sight in the heart of a lush garden, each residence is unique. Each of them has its color, its style and its history. Ranging from 150 to 260 m², these charming villas have swimming pools, bathrooms with shower and jacuzzi, gardens with terrace and a dedicated butler. Several celebrities have already stayed there, from Leonardo DiCaprio to Monica Belluci, including Catherine Deneuve and Pedro Almodovar. So, Berber, Andalusian, “Maharadja”, Persian or Roman villa, it’s up to you to choose your universe!

Tigmiza – Suites & Pavillons, Marrakech

Meaning “House of Izza” in Berber, this charming hotel, located in the heart of a 2-hectare palm grove, is structured around 3 distinct worlds. First, “La Kasbah” with its 10 luxurious suites grouped around a patio and its bouquets of banana trees. A few meters away, hidden in the heart of a bamboo garden, are hidden 3 pavilions. Then, a little further away, “Le Village” is revealed, an oasis of tranquility, made up of 14 villas with an area of ​​150 m² with private terrace and swimming pool that can accommodate up to 6 people. Built in the style of the legendary Berber kasbahs, the villas of the Tigmiza hotel are bathed in soft light and offer all the necessary comfort for a stay marked by serenity.

Sofitel Tamuda Bay Beach & Spa, Tamouda Bay, Fnideq

With its 104 rooms and suites, including eight bungalows and five signature villas, all in a refined decor, the Sofitel Tamouda Bay offers the ideal environment for a total escape of body and mind. Called the “Signature Villas”, these waterfront residences have private access to the beach, as well as private swimming pools. Ranging up to 171m², these villas can accommodate up to 4 adults in an idyllic setting with white and blue hues, which immerses us in the “Moroccan Riviera”.



Tunisia is now a popular tourist destination which enjoys an increasingly important notoriety, this is what reveals the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) which has just published its report on tourism trends for the year 2017. .

No one is unaware of the extremely difficult years that Tunisian tourism went through after the terrorist attacks which targeted the country in 2015. Now, the influx of tourists seems to be resuming in this 2017 season and a promising outcome is expected.

The UNWTO report places Tunisia among the most popular global tourist destinations and likely to evolve further in the years to come.

Thus, the British media The Telegraph has compiled a list of the top ten destinations.

“So what can we read in the data? Well, the fact that countries such as Egypt and Tunisia are among the top ten seems to indicate a recovery in tourism after a series of terrorist attacks,” writes the editorial staff of the Telegraph.

According to the UNWTO, the travel advice provided by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office following the terrorist attack on the beach of a hotel in Sousse would have contributed to the recovery of tourist confidence. The UNWTO predicts an increase in tourist traffic in Tunisia of 32% and indicates that nearly 7.5 million tourists would visit Tunisia in 2017, a figure close to the 7.8 million recorded in 2010, again according to the UNWTO.

Tourists stand near a plaque dedicated to victims on the beach of the Imperial Marhaba resort, on the first anniversary of an attack by a gunman at the hotel in Sousse

Another surprise in this report is that Palestine tops the list. According to UNWTO, Palestine represents the destination with the fastest growing tourism sector. Indeed, the opening of British artist Banksy’s The Walled Off Hotel in the West Bank seems to have boosted tourism in the region, which would have increased by 57.8% according to the UNWTO report.

Statue of a chimpanzee bell-boy stands at the entrance of the Walled Off hotel, which was opened by street artist Banksy, in the West Bank city of Bethlehem

Still among Arab destinations, we find Egypt in 2nd place and which recorded an increase in tourist traffic of 51% despite the ban on serving “Sharm El Sheikh” imposed by Great Britain on its airlines. However, an estimate of 8 million vacationers is established for 2017 and around 14 million in 2020.

Among European destinations, we only find Iceland which benefits from the Game Of Thrones effect, the famous American television series, as well as its airline “Icelandair” which offers its passengers traveling directly to the United States a stopover free in Iceland.

For destinations on the Asian continent, Vietnam, Mongolia and the Northern Mariana Islands appear in the ranking. The beauty of the Asian archipelagos or the sandy deserts of Central Asia are the main attractions of these countries.

As for the American continent, Uruguay and Nicaragua are included in this ranking. Uruguay seems to owe this tourist boom to the legalization of cannabis in 2014, while Nicaragua owes it to its beaches lined with palm trees, its green landscapes and also its history.



Poland on Thursday eased its restrictions on travelers to Tunisia. According to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although Tunisia has not experienced terrorist attacks since 2016, the risk is still present, calling on its citizens to be vigilant.   After the decision of the President of the Republic Béji Caid Essebsi to make production sites military zones, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs strictly prohibits its citizens from going there. According to Polish diplomacy, it is necessary to avoid certain regions in the west and south of the country plagued by certain “violence, demonstrations and road blockages”. Finally, it calls on its nationals to avoid public gatherings and to respect local authorities while affirming that group trips to secure hotels will be planned. On July 26, the British Foreign Office relaxed its recommendations to tourists traveling to Tunisia, ending its instruction to cancel all non-essential travel to Tunis and the main tourist sites. This decision was immediately followed by the announcement of the British tour operator Thomas Cook to put Tunisia back on the program of its services.